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A Bryozoan's Medical Endosymbiont
The spiral-tufted bryozoan (Bugula neritina) is being studied for a potential......
Lesson Plan
Benthic Drug Store
Students identify three chemicals that are pharmacologically active and are...
Lesson Plan
Exploring Explorations
What discoveries and human benefits have resulted from exploration of the Earth’s......
Personal Perspectives
Bacteria on Whale Skin Tell a Tale of Health and Sickness
Whales swimming in the ocean are never really alone. Even if one swims by itself......
March 2014

Personal Perspectives
Searching for Cancer Drugs in the Ocean
Ever since fourth grade I’ve wanted to explore the creatures and landscapes of......
August 2011

Cancer-Fighting Sponges?
Dr. Patrick Colin, of the Coral Reef Research Foundation in Palau, examines a......
Young Voices
An Intern Explores Ocean Careers
I’m a high school student interested in pursuing marine science. I have loved the......
August 2011

This Flu Season, Thank a Horseshoe Crab
Fever. Aching muscles. Coughing. Sniffling. It’s flu season. Have you had your......
November 2010

Five Questions for Shirley Pomponi, Medical Sponge Hunter
Most scuba divers scour coral reefs looking for colorful fish, natural beauty, and......
October 2012