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The Census of Marine Life
Did you know that over 17,000 species thrive in the deep sea where no light......
Satellite-Tagged Hawksbill Sea Turtle
"As part of a site fidelity and migration study, this Hawksbill Sea Turtle has a......
Citizens of the High Seas
In a world where land is partitioned into countries with defined borders, the...
August 2019

Tagging a Leatherback Sea Turtle
Leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) are listed as critically endangered......
Tagging and Tracking Animals Underwater
How do we know where ocean animals swim day and night? Scientists are getting......
May 2012

NOAA's Adopt a Drifter Program
NOAA is working with students across the globe to place floating buoys throughout......
Personal Perspectives
Humpback Whales in Antarctica: What Are the Whales Doing?
Humpback whales (Megaptera novaengliae) are the most abundant baleen whale in the......
February 2013

Personal Perspectives
Listening for Clues About Sonar’s Effects on Marine Mammals
Many animals depend on their eyes to navigate, find food, locate mates, and for......
January 2011

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna: One Species at a Time
What is it like to be eyeball to eyeball with a fish the size of a Volkswagen? In......
From Larvae to Adults – Finding Impacts of an Oil Spill on Mahi-Mahi
For a month during the summer of 2016, Lela Schlenker spent several hours in the......
April 2017