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Lesson Plan
In Search of the Giant Squid
In this series of lessons, worksheets, and activities, students will get...
Sea Stars, Urchins, and Relatives
Beachcombers and tide pool explorers may be familiar with sea stars, sea urchins,......
An Invasive Brittlestar
These brittlestars (Ophiothela mirabilis) are not where they belong. These...
Personal Perspectives
On Biodiversity: Understanding its Meaning and Importance
The ocean is home to a phenomenal diversity of marine organisms. They have evolved......
August 2011

Little Sea Star
It’s an honor to have something or someone named after you. Dr. David Pawson,......
Purple Sea Urchin
This purple urchin Paleopneustes cristatus is seldom seen by itself, and......
A Handful of Biodiversity
Fitting nine of anything on two fingers is impressive. These mollusks and......
A Mississippian Marine Habitat (359 - 318 Million Years Ago)
Crinoids (echinoderms related to sea stars and sea urchins) dominate the Paleozoic......
Personal Perspectives
Little Critters that tell a BIG Story: Benthic Foraminifera and the Gulf Oil Spill
You are not alone if you don’t know what forams (short for foraminifera) are, so......
June 2014

A New Ocean Zone Described with the Help of a Submersible
Beneath vibrant coral reefs, but above the lightless depths of the sea, lies the......
June 2018

Collections from Curaçao
During the 2012 field season of the Deep Reef Observation Project (DROP) in......