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No Longer Anonymous: Anna Atkins and her Algae
In the 1850s, a new image capturing technology called photography was just in its......
September 2023

Young Pettibone
Marian Pettibone (left) and colleague Frances Paulson (right), racing down a sandy......
Pettibone and an Award
Dr. Marian Pettibone at her retirement ceremony in 1978, holding a glass vase......
Dr. Marian Pettibone, A Woman of Firsts
Sixty years ago, when women more commonly assumed roles as secretaries or......
March 2023

What the Megalodon Left Behind
The largest shark ever to exist on this planet, Carcharocles megalodon, could grow......
July 2018

On the Trail of DNA in the Ocean
DNA is everywhere—it can be found in hair, saliva, blood, bones, feces or even......
July 2018

Eugenie Clark - The Shark Lady
Eugenie Clark grew up spending her weekends at the aquarium. Her father died when......
March 2018

How Do Sea Lions Swim?
A family of tourists in Canada’s Steveston Harbor recently got a treat when a......
June 2017

Teams of Robots Can Help Us Build 3D Maps of the Ocean
One of the trickiest problems in marine science is figuring out how to map the......
August 2017

It’s All in the (Jellyfish) Family
With their huge number of venomous stinging cells, jellyfish aren’t very cuddly.......
August 2017

Ángeles Alvariño: Woman of Many Namesakes
Latin names of species may seem boring—a litany of extra-long names in a dead......
August 2017

Personal Perspectives
Five Questions with Nancy Rabalais, Tracking Dead Zones In the Gulf
The Gulf of Mexico is known for one of the world's largest “dead zones"—areas......
March 2015